Our Impact
Evergreen has a 60-year history of changing lives for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Our number one focus is to enable each individual we serve to be included in society and be recognized for what he or she can accomplish.
It is impossible to quantify the value of what we provide to the people served every day at Evergreen. A hug, an encouraging word, a birthday party (even when there is no family present), a home-cooked meal and a prayer – these acts of love occur throughout Evergreen each day. Knowing that we could never measure these experiences, our impact by the numbers is listed below:
- 4,000: The approximate number of individuals Evergreen has had the opportunity to serve throughout our history.
- 1,000: The approximate number of individuals currently served by Evergreen.
- 7: The number of states in which Evergreen provides services.
- 3: The number of institutions closed by Evergreen.
- 416: The number of individuals no longer living in institutions closed by Evergreen. These individuals are now living life the Evergreen way – included in their communities and not walled away.
- 16: The number of Day Centers operated by Evergreen where individuals are able to spend their days choosing from a number of activities, such as music, computer-time, art, reading and cooking classes.
- 1,050: The approximate number of individuals with an intellectual and/or developmental disability for who we have helped find fair employment.
- 103: The number of Evergreen community homes, where individuals live in clean, safe neighborhoods and enjoy all the comforts that a real home provides.
- 360: The number of individuals using our services to live independently in their own homes or apartments.