Imagine a life where every day is exactly the same. You wake up in a tiny bedroom that you share with a roommate, eat cafeteria food, sit for hours looking at faded white walls, eat again, sit again, eat again, go to bed, repeat the next day. You have no stimulation, nothing to look forward to, nothing to do. You just exist.
This is what life was like for Ray and several other individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) served by the Sherman Habilitation Center in Sherman, Texas. Things got so bad; the Sherman Center lost its license and certification from the state.
Evergreen was called upon to help and was able to send in a team of experts to turn things around. No one in the Sherman Center would ever be the same.
Thanks to your generous support, Evergreen was able to close the Sherman Center and move all of its residents into community homes. Some had never lived in a home in the community before.
When Ray arrived at Evergreen, he was introverted and extremely overweight. He had lived at the Sherman Center for more than five years.

With the right support from Evergreen, Ray’s health and diet improved. His personality began to shine. Turns out, he wasn’t so introverted after all. Soon he didn’t know a stranger. He still doesn’t. “What’s your name? What’s your mom’s name?” Ray asks whenever he meets someone new.