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We need all the voices we can get. Please use this easy email tool from ANCOR (American Network of Community Options and Resources) to tell Congress it must not leave for fall recess without funding Medicaid disability supports to survive the pandemic.

Listen to Alice Massey, the sister of a person served by Evergreen in Southwest Louisiana, talk about why Evergreen and other providers like us are essential to her and her family.

When Congress does not do it’s job, it hurts people with disabilities and their families across the country.

COVID-19 cases are still increasing. State budgets are falling short of meeting an impossible set of demands. Meanwhile, Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) that deliver Medicaid-funded services to people with disabilities have been on the frontlines during the pandemic. Their work has ensured the safety and well-being of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

Evergreen and other agencies that employ DSPs to deliver community-based services have been forced to make impossible choices to ensure the sustainability of supports. Now, without desperately needed funding, many agencies may not stay afloat through the winter, leaving people with disabilities with too few options and resources to live independently and in the community. This untenable situation will not change without congressional action.

Please take 2 minutes today to ask your members of Congress to step up—you’re doing your job, and it’s time they do theirs.

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